Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Photoshoot

Amazing news everyone. I just had my first professional photo-shoot. It was an experience i will never forget. I felt like a real model. Lights in my face, getting my make-up done, wardrobe and everything. I even got the chance to take photos on the rooftop with the beautiful view of downtown Toronto.

It was so nice to have the wind blowing in my hair while he took photos of me. I felt real nice, like a real professional. The poses were beautiful and the looks were all right. At first i was a little shy to smile because i personally don't like showing teeth but would you believe after 5 min past by, I was all teeth for the rest of the photo-shoot. My photographer was loving it.

My hair stylist complimented me on a lot of things. He loved my hair, my smile, the complexion of my skin and he even loved my white skinny jeans. These guys had me laughing all day.  My cheekbones were killing me. We talked, we laughed, we took photos, we did hair, and had a fabulous time. I would do it again if i ever get the chance. Which i will, because this is now my path. Bring on the Lights, Camera, and Action. Look out world. Here I Come!

-Photos Coming Soon-

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