Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Artical Precis

If you are currently acting or looking to become an actor you should continue reading this blog. I was reading this article about "How to get rid of memorized vocal patterns" and i would like to share it with you. Basically the whole topic was giving advice and methods on what to do to get rid or your vocal patterns. They find this important because they say, getting rid of memorized vocal patterns is the basic element of good acting. We all want to be good actors. Some people will do pre-planned acting. As actors you do not want that, You always want to make it seem as if that’s how you’re really feeling at that exact moment. A good actor will just study their lines, figure out how they should say their lines and then rehearse them the exact way every single time. Wrong. You do not want what you say to sound predictable.

Here are some methods to avoid memorized vocal patterns:
  • When rehearsing, don’t say your lines out loud
  • Run through your lines in your head instead
  • Get familiar with your lines enough to have them memorized in your head that way when you perform, your performing it fresh each time. 
  • Try not to over prepare yourself 
  • Rehearse your lines but say it in a robotic voice
  • Speak each word in each sentence with the exact same monotone inflection
These are some good pointers for you to follow if you feel your one of those people who have a memorized vocal pattern. Everything should be fresh and real and that’s exactly how you want it to be with no vocal patterns. If your already in the habit, now would be a good time to break that habit.    

If you wish to read the full article: click here  

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