Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What it takes to be an Actor

I believe it takes a lot to become an actor, there is so many things you have to do in order to even be seen or get your foot in the door, not only just to get your foot in the door but to make sure you stay there because it is never a guarantee, it is a very competitive industry. I would most definitely have to say it would take plenty of talent, determination, patience, and passion. You need to have the talent, no question about it, it is the most important factor for a performer. If you do not have the talent, you will not be seen or heard and that is basically it. Allow your confidence to run with your talent. “Confidence is the power you have over your own personality.” (Cohen 12). Determination will allow you to boost your self esteem and it gives you a reminder that your trying to obtain or accomplish your goal. 

This industry its self is one of the most competitive industries out there, so being determined to make it would be a plus for you, keep the faith and keep moving on. Patience is a sense of stability. Things won’t be moving as fast as you want at times because your just starting out, at the moment your nobody to those casting directors, so it will take time to rise. It could take weeks, months just to get a call back and years just to get noticed. Patience is required, i would consider it a requirement along with the other ones.  Passion is key because having the talent, determination and patience may not even be enough, the passion has to be there, if you love something enough to put aside all the negatives about it then i believe that is what will get you through or help push you along the way when you feel like your about to fall off the edge. 

Another thing is you can’t be lazy, you have to be a go getter because your constantly working trying to get contacts, upgrading your resume, head-shots, going for auditions, meeting with agencies, marketing your self around the world and more. Putting your self out their to get recognized takes a lot of work and energy. In addition, having faith can create a big impact on your life and with everything you strive for, faith is what you need for sure in this industry. Turn to your faith and turn to your God because in the end it is really god’s decision weather he will make this happen for you or not. You can only get so far without him, with him you can go all the way, as long as you keep him by your side.

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